One Form allows you to Sign up for ANY or ALL of the following:
PTA Membership!
Sign up for the CMS Student Directory!
Donations - Comet Patron Program!
Volunteer Comittees! 
The following form will be used to collect and/or verify your student's name, grade, homeroom teacher, parent/guardian address, email, and other information for PTA Membership and the CMS Student Directory. 
Once the One Form is filled out and submitted; Make sure to return here to ADD your annual PTA Membership fee and Donations to Comet Patron.

For everyone's convenience, your CMS PTA has decided to waive the fees for payment processing in an effort to encourage you to pay by credit card for your membership and comet donation. If you still would prefer to pay by cash or check, please follow the instructions listed on the left. 
To access the CMS PTA One Form first be logged into the website and click here